UK’s Most Tattooed Woman, Gets her Virgina Tattooed. Shares Intimate Video

Becky holt, the most Tattooed woman in England gets her Virgina Tattoed. The 34 yrs old went ahead to share

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Not Guilty!. Musician Dj Fatxo Has been cleared by DCI/DOPP on Jeff mwathi’ Murder.

Famous Mugithi style musician cum DJ, Lawrence Njuguna alias Dj Fatxo was on 17th May 2023 declared no guilty of

admin Larry Wambugu admin Larry Wambugu

Kenya Launch’s it’s first Satellite into Space. Taifa-1

Kenya's launched it's first successful 3U observational satellite, Taifa-1, on Saturday 15th 2023 into space after three unsuccessful attempts. The

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