
Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.

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Safaricom Held Liable for Customer’s Losses Following Mobile Phone Theft

Safaricom, one of Kenya's leading telecommunications companies, has been held liable for the losses incurred by a customer after his

admin Kipchirchir Koech admin Kipchirchir Koech

how to choose the perfect VPS hosting in Kenya for your websites and applications

How to choose the perfect VPS hosting in Kenya. With the rise of online users in Kenya, many businesses are

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Kenya Launch’s it’s first Satellite into Space. Taifa-1

Kenya's launched it's first successful 3U observational satellite, Taifa-1, on Saturday 15th 2023 into space after three unsuccessful attempts. The

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